

2024-11-12以文會友-Engineers and the Two Taiwans: The Abnormal Club/臺大國發所 張國暉 教授9
2024-10-18以文會友-Conceptualising Private Fintech Platforms as Financial Statecraft and Recentralisation in China/臺大國發所 劉秋婉 副教授8
2024-04-01以文會友-Explaining the quality of green bonds in China/臺大國發所 林竣達 助理教授54
2024-03-31以文會友-以化學物質風險治理作為權限:歐盟與臺灣管制機關之比較/林木興 博士後研究員6
2023-05-26以文會友-The Green Energy Transition and Peripheral City Development in China: Towards a Local Eco-developmental State/政大國發所 王振寰名譽教授、林凱源博士生77
2023-05-12以文會友-文化資產治理與公民參與:大陸培田古民居的案例分析/政大國發所 魏玫娟副教授、湯京平教授20
2023-05-11以文會友-The Pursuit of Qualities by Peripheral Latecomers in the Agrofood Sectors: The Case of Erlin Wine Industry in Taiwan/臺大城鄉所 陳良治教授兼所長7
2023-05-11以文會友-Central coordination, regional competition, and local protectionism: Social decentralisation in China's long-term care reform/臺大國發所 施世駿教授6
2023-05-11以文會友-Tri-helix energy transition in Taiwan/臺大國發所 周桂田教授5
2023-05-11以文會友-不合時宜的吟遊詩人之聲:「撒旦磨坊」與市場社會/東海社會 許甘霖副教授4
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